Interested in a part exchange deal or simply want to know how much you could get for your vehicle? Use our valuation tool today to find out how much your current vehicle is worth.
Once you know the value of your vehicle, it’s much easier to budget for your next purchase. It also allows you to opt for a part exchange deal.
A vehicle’s value is determined by a number of factors including its make, model, age and condition. Our tool takes all of these into consideration to give you the most accurate figure possible without physically assessing the car.
Simply type in your vehicle’s registration number and click ‘Value my vehicle’. You will then be asked to add the car’s mileage, which is used to assess the general condition of your vehicle. Type in your mileage and click ‘continue’, then add a few contact details and press ‘Get My Valuation’. You will be given a figure and our team may contact you to talk you through your options for a part exchange.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by phone, email or over Live Chat.