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The In It Together Festival is a vibrant and community-driven event that celebrates music, arts, culture, and well-being.

The festival takes place at Old Park Farm in Margam, Port Talbot, Wales. This lush green 250-acre site, nestled below Margam Country Park, provides a picturesque backdrop for the festival. Its rolling hills and woodlands help create an intimate, communal atmosphere perfect for celebrating creativity and togetherness.

With space for six stages, food villages, healing areas, and campsites, Old Park Farm offers versatile terrain to host a diverse, multi-day event. The striking natural beauty of the surrounding Welsh countryside shines through too, ensuring the In It Together Festival location feels as inspiring as the acts on stage.

The In It Together Festival is scheduled to take place from Friday 24th May until Sunday 26th May.


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YES! We will be bringing the new All-Electric Ford Explorer to the In It Together Festival!

The Explorer is an electric SUV with fast charging, advanced technology and superior comfort.

You'll have the opportunity to explore and experience this amazing vehicle yourself and even start the ordering process!

For more information about the In It Together Festival, the new All-Electric Ford Explorer or Bridgend Ford, please fill in the contact form below.