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Online Appointments Available Video vehicle tours, discuss finance options & part-exchange appraisal. Book your appointment today
Servicing Online Booking

Our Appointment System

For the safety of our customers and colleagues all showroom visits are now by appointment only.

Social Distancing

To follow social distancing regulations, we are limiting our appointments to one person at a time. Seating in the waiting area is greatly reduced. 

Test Drive

If more than one person in the household is involved in the decision making we politely ask that only one person enters the showroom at a time whilst the other waits outside. We can then swap as required.

Virtual Services

You can rest assured that by helping us in this way we will conduct your appointment in a safe, socially distanced manner, and will only present vehicles that have been sanitised.

As much as we would love to, we're afraid that we won't be offering you any refreshments at this time. 

Out of respect to our staff please do not attend the dealership if you are displaying any signs of Covid 19

We have created a little video to help you understand the 'New Normal' at Bridgend Ford. We encourage feedback from our customers so be sure to let us know what you think!